Hey fam!
It is so exciting to be going this journey with y’all, we really can’t wait to engage with you guys
and get to know and have you share your heart on process.
Now this word process is probably the last word so many people would want to hear. How we
wish we could just get to the product without process, you know that’d make life a whole lot
easier. Getting your degree before going through all those long hours of class, projects and
assignments sounds great doesn’t it? Is all the work and trouble even necessary?
Romans 8:18
For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory
which shall be revealed in us.
For the longest time, I just thought of Paul as crazy when he wrote this, like such a buzzkill. Why
can’t we just jump into the glory to be revealed? I mean why is there process involved?
While there’s a lot we can wish, God in His ultimate wisdom knows process is necessary. He
knows you’d really prefer to get the product immediately, but loves you too much to see
what was meant to be a blessing become the very thing that breaks your heart. Even when you’re
not excited about what the process to the product entails, He knows that that is the best way
forward and right here, trust comes in.( Proverbs3:5)
My heart for this series is to really engage and share experiences as led of God, to just get
everyone of us to submit to process, at whatever point; to be as open as He needs me to be in this series. See, I’ve always been the kind of person
to dodge process. Whenever I’d see it coming I’d flee, and find an alternative. The thought of
‘mark timing’ was not one I entertained, so I’d prefer to be constantly on the move even if in the
wrong direction. The world has really taught us to always be on the move, always be seen as
progressing, never stopping for any minute, time waits for no man right?
It took a lot to get me to stop for a minute and actually submit to process and move at the pace of
grace even when it looked like mark timing. Acknowledging that my whole life is well known to
my Father and this too is part of His perfect plan, and that it is not to harm me. (Jeremiah 29:11)
My heart is really to encourage everyone who is afraid of a certain process that God is calling
them into to trust Him and submit to process. It is never a waste of time, I promise you. This is a call to submission to process.
Now, let’s journey together shall we?
Love and light!
Thank you…
I have so much buggage to unmount through this conversation…
And light to take in…
Looking forward to this love.
Grace to you as you share wisdom with us…
Ah, this makes my heart glad. I pray to constantly be yielded to Christ throughout.
Thank you,