Hey everyone, I am Elizabeth but most people refer to me as Liz. This week on process, I’ll be sharing on trusting God with our process of becoming the person He had ordained us to be. It has been quite a journey for me. I pray that I’ll get to encourage and minister to someone.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
We all have different journeys when it comes to our personal walk with Christ. This is something God has been teaching me. I’ll take you through my personal journey on trusting God with my process.
I’ve found myself in situations where I was comparing my journey with someone else’s and taking it upon myself to get to where they were. Forgetting there is a process the other person underwent so that they get to where they are. That became a standard that I had to get to and in the long run it felt like I was living my Christian life off of someone rather than Christ Himself. This leads to frustration because, you are working it out with your own strength rather than allowing the power of grace to begin its work in you.
What I’ve come to learn is that leaning in our own understanding is like putting God in a box. Putting limits to His nature. “Our ways are not His ways nor our thoughts His thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). It often makes us miss the mark and do things out of our own fleshly judgement rather than acting on the will of God.
In addition to all this, it’s important to understand the nature of God. His true nature. God is light and He is truth. A good example I could give is His love. He is the perfect definition of love. Throughout the Bible you can clearly see His love for His people. Most of the time when we are in the fire, seeing it sometimes is hard. The situation or circumstances around us might not be all rosy and pink. But we have an assurance. The book of Numbers 23:19 speaks out that assurance. Sometimes if it means continuously speaking a verse or a word that He gave you to yourself do so until you believe it and it becomes truth to you. The beauty of being grounded in truth is that you are not swayed by tides or winds.
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
Numbers 23:19
God is the author of our lives. In Him we live and move and have our being. Each and every single day we purpose to live it according to His will over us. “My life is not my own. To you I belong I give myself, I give myself to you”. These are lyrics to William Mc Dowell’s song ‘I give myself away’. For me those words bring out the aspect of God being the author and it is important to seek to know His will over our lives before we pursue anything in life or make any decisions. Purpose to be so aligned with God that His desires for you are your desires for yourself.
As I conclude, God is the author of your process. Only He knows when a chapter in your life ends and when the next begins. Never feel as though you are going a little bit slow maybe compared to someone else. Don’t rush it. Don’t lead yourself in spaces He hasn’t led you yet. He is your Father and all he has are positive thoughts and the best intentions about you. He knows you better than anyone else including yourself. [Jeremiah 29:11, Psalms 139]. Enjoy your walk with God. Every bit of it!
Thank you for this 💖 God’s unique preparation for each of us is causing the insecurity of comparison to come down…