



Have I mentioned how excited I am to be journeying through process with y’all? Oh my heart rejoices!

Let’s dive in!

Now, I don’t know about y’all but I’m so used to adverts that show up before You tube videos; I mean I even get really surprised when a video starts immediately, coz I expect the advert. However, I get so worked up when the video gets interrupted to show an ad. It doesn’t matter what advert it is, it could be something I was actually looking for, but the fact that it interrupted my video is something I cannot deal with!

Introduction to process for many of us looks a little like this. You were doing just fine, well at least as far as you knew, then comes a twist you did not even see coming. We all don’t like being thrown off balance, we like to have it together, which births all the frustration caused by the interruption brought about by introduction to process.

This did not just begin with us though. Let’s get back to scripture and checkout one of the greatest man of God, by the name Moses. Let’s see how he is introduced to process.

Moses is introduced to us in Exodus 2: where he is born at  a time when there had been an instruction to kill all sons born of the Hebrew women. He however is born and hidden by the river where Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and he ends up growing up in the palace. Then later on we know how he killed an Egyptian who was beating up a Hebrew then when he was discovered he escaped to Midian, where he started a family. Sounds like he was living the good life; this could have been a perfect place to end with ‘…and they lived happily ever after’ right?

In chapter 3 though, the twist, or what we are referring to as an interruption, came about. Moses is busy tending the flock when he encounters God in the form o f a burning bush. Why? Because God is just extra like that. Anyway, we know how he is called to do that which we all now know him for. Up until this point, Moses is just an ordinary person living his life, but what his process births is a totally different man. This is the case for many other people in the Bible.

See, what we need to understand is that God knows who He created us to be, but sometimes we’d rather live average lives because that’s comfortable. This is what makes introduction to process such a burden and a hustle sometimes. We see the loss more than we see the gain

Mathew 16:25

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Jesus gives us an assurance that what may be seen as loss in the world is actually gain. Seeing God’s introduction to process as gain, no matter what you’re having to lose makes the whole difference. It’ll make yielding to process a whole lot easier as opposed to seeing interruption. Remember the word of God is Truth, not motivation. It’s not meant to make you feel good for the moment. It is something you can totally rely on.

Now this is not to belittle the pain of loss, frustration or anything else that may be involved, some parts of process can be harder than others I know, but it is to exalt the assurance of God above everything else. Knowing and believing His word as Truth, and that He avails sufficient Grace for everything He calls us into.

2nd Corinthians 12:9

And He said to me, ‘My Grace is sufficient for you, for , My strength is made perfect in weakness,’…

Love and light!

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5 thoughts on “PROCESS VS PRODUCT

  1. Natalie Karanja says:

    The word of God is Truth not motivation for sure!!!

    Process is for our increase, thank you for sharing this:)

    1. admin says:

      You’re most welcome. The word is indeed Truth!

  2. Joy says:

    If this post was a person,I would ask them, why are you shouting? Uuiii so timely 🤯🙊🙊🙊

    1. admin says:

      Lol! We should stop shouting eey? Haha!

  3. Thank you for this one!

    Humility to give the author of my process a benefit of doubt when it looks like an interruption…

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