


How’s the long holiday coming along?

Some day this week (I quite frankly don’t remember days), I was remembering how people would post all sorts of excited memes for Fridays, looking forward to the weekend, wishing it’d never come to an end. Monday was always the buzzkill because well, we go back to work and all, but look at us now. So many people would give anything to go to the office even to make tea eey? Anyhu, here we are, in this very unique season.

Now, let’s talk about working from home. I’ve laughed so hard at the memes we’ve seen regarding this; Kenyans just win! For real though, this is an actual struggle, especially for those who are not sure about how to go around it.

We at Brassed Crafts have had the privilege of working from home on most days, so we’re gonna share some tips you can adopt during this season.

  1. Have an actual working space

While some people are easily able to work literally anywhere, most of us need actual working spaces. It helps do away with distractions and increases our productivity. Get a separate room or a space in your room with comfortable furniture that you can work on, equip it with everything you need to work and you’re gonna be okay.

2. Set actual work hours

Setting up your space sounds like fun until the time factor kicks in. The fact that there’s nobody telling you what time to be in the office can be such a problem. It is necessary to set your work hours and communicate them to everyone who needs to know especially if you live with other people. Make a point of communicating the same to other parties as well such as clients and bosses. Be diligent with the time you set as well for purposes of accountability.

3. Dress up

This is probably the most exciting part in this season because sweats and t-shirts just don’t cut it anymore. There’s a difference between working in your regular home clothes and stepping up a little. Well, you don’t have to do the whole suit if you’re not feeling that, but cleaning up to your work station actually increases our productivity. It builds confidence and well, who knows, you may have a random Skype call you weren’t expecting.

4. Have a to-do list

Working from home really requires discipline and having a to-do list is helpful in making sure that is kept up. Having a schedule that you’re working with makes sure you don’t miss out on any detail, especially the very small ones. Look through your list at the end of every day to check how you did and how you can improve the next day.

5. Take some time off

It’s important to make sure you’re working and being productive but not at the expense of precious time with family. Working from home is beautiful but not when all your time is dedicated to it. Take some minutes off to check up on friends and family or even help with chores.

These 5 simple tips will really come in handy especially in this season. Let us know how that goes eey?

Love and Light!

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