Dear bride-to-be, congratulations!
I know it still feels surreal, doesn’t it? The fact that it’s you who is about to get married and not a friend or your sister… I am sure that you have been praying
concerning this season. You have waited and longed for it. You have even desired that it comes quickly, and at last, IT IS HERE. Tell your mind and heart to believe it. We thank
God for your milestone!
You are headed towards the institution of marriage; a life-long commitment. What is the posture of my heart in this season? What and who is influencing my mindset concerning marriage?
The door to your marriage is crowded with the butterflies and excitement of getting married, the pandemonium of wedding-planning, choosing the bridal team, doing gown fittings – but then there is still you – the bride-to-be, the wife-to-be.
A level of intentionality and sobriety is required especially during this time. I know you may have been reading, going for Pre-Marital Counselling (PMCs), had all your girl-talk
on what makes a good wife, but do you genuinely seek to understand what this new responsibility carries? Are your views about marriage and being a wife only what you’ve heard and not necessarily what you have accepted and felt convicted by the Holy Spirit to be true and right?
It is true that the knowledge you may gain from your personal studies may not be so different from what you’ve heard over the years and even in your PMC sessions, but I promise you, it is important to take time to understand these truths, and therefore own them. Let them sink into the recesses of your mind and the depths of your heart, and it can be a treasured goldmine in the days to come.
Concerning those aspects of marriage which you may still be unsure of, my challenge for you, dear bride, is to pick a journal and seek out answers to them. These may include
questions on submission in marriage, the purpose of marriage, responsibilities of a husband and wife, among others. You can do some research (this includes speaking to
sober friends and even your pastors to give counsel) or visit reputable sites; I personally found to be quite resourceful for the questions I had. So, read-pray-repeat
concerning these matters until you have no doubt in your mind on what God is saying about those aspects of marriage.
Seek to enter marriage with understanding. I am not saying you will research and know everything, but as the Lord wills (in breadth and length), He will grant you understanding and guidance.
Euslah Rop